Monday, January 10, 2011

Day One

After seeing a friend start a blog about her weight loss journey this year I was inspired to start a blog of my own. I have always thought it would be fun write a blog but never gave the idea a chance. After having two snow days at school I have convinced myself that I have time to start this. If I get behind or don't post for a while don't be surprised, I am a busy person.  

Today is day one in my workout journey. I have decided that I am not calling this my wedding diet but my wedding work out plan.  I know that I have weight to lose but I feel like I will be most motivated and most successful if I start with getting in shape first instead of trying to jump into a diet and a workout routine.  I have until July 22nd, 2011 to get back into shape, I want to get back into shape like I was coming out of high school, but my biggest motivation is my wedding. I want to look beautiful in my wedding dress and to do that I need to get back into shape. My wedding dress fits but I know it could fit better and don't want to feel self conscious when I know I will have other things to worry out.

The main reason for starting my blog is to keep you updated on where I am with my work out plan and of course also with my wedding planning, but I also plan on keeping myself motivated with my blog.  This first post is short but I will be back soon. No classes tomorrow means that I can beat the rush to the gym! Wish me luck, and pray that I still have Kassandra as a friend at the end of our work out :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I'm so excited for you! And glad you started a blog!! :) I'm sure she'll still be your friend, and I know you can do this! :)
